Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010


Women have two the X-chromosome but mab have one X-chromosome.Normaly women is XX,carrier XXh,normaly man XY,hemophilia XhY.for exs.carrier women merried with normaly man:
Parent         :         Carrier women (XXh) X   Man (XY)
Genotipe      :         X,Xh                                 X,Y
Fenotipe      :         XXh(carrier),XX(normal women)
                             XY(normal man), XhY (hemophilia).
So,if they married,they will have child haemophilia is 25%.

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

cinta sejati

cinta sejati adalah cinta yng tak lekang oleh waktu
cinta yng membuat kita bisa menjadi diri kita sendiri
cinta yg mau menerima kita apadanya
cinta yg benar benar tulus
cinta yang memang butuh bukan membutuhkan
cinta dari seseorang yang ngerti kita
ngerti diri kita
dan ngerti akan keuangan kita,,,,,,,,hahahahahaah
i love you say...................i coming................

ketulusan cintamu: hemophilia

ketulusan cintamu: hemophilia: "Queen Victoria is carier.Haemophilia striking woman in (the) Kingdom of Europe that is sometimes known as the 'royal disease'. Queen Victori..."


Queen Victoria is carier.Haemophilia striking woman in (the) Kingdom of Europe that is sometimes known as the "royal disease". Queen Victoria bequeathed to his son Leopold and some of his daughter, for the various kingdoms across the continent, including the families of the kingdom of Spain, Germany, and Russia. In the Russia, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, son of Nicholas II, was one of the descendants of Queen Victoria through her mother and suffered from haemophilia Alexandra.
In (the) Spain, Queen Victoria's young, Princess Beatrice, has a daughter Victoria Eugenie Battenberg, who later became Queen of Spain. Two of his sons were haemophiliacs and both of them died from accidents [train; car], his eldest son, Prince Alfonso of Spain, Prince of Asturias, has died at age 31 from internal bleeding after [the train; car] hit her a phone shop. His youngest son, Gonzalo Infante, died at age 19 two days after a car accident when the driver avoid sepeda.gonzalo not seriously injured, so do not seek treatment she was found bleeding in the abdominal as the cause of her death.